Castle park

Park admission

Opened all year round, our daily opening times are shwon on our Homepage.

Tickets are also avaiable at our Onlineshop!

Park admissionPrice
from 6 Children up to 14 years of age (with pupil ID card up to 18 years)2,30
Block of 1019,00
Annual season ticket22,00
Block of 1034,00
Annual season ticket47,00
Adult + Dog Block of 1054,00
Adult + Dog Annual season ticket91,00

ATTENTION: Analogue blocks of 10 stamps (with 10 stamp fields) that were purchased before 1 January 2021 will lose their validity on 1 July 2024! Thank you for your understanding!

Ferry to the Franzensburg

The ferry is operating from Easter to Nomvembre 1st every year

Days openHours open
Monday – Friday10.00 am to 6.30 pm
Saturday/Sunday/Public holiday10.00 am to 6.30 pm

Guided tour of the castle park

According to our event calender, groups please register in advance

Park tourPrice

Museum Franzensburg

Opened from Easter to Novembre 1st every year.

Our guides are e.g. specially trained in tours for children and young people of all age levels! Already when registering for a tour, please let us know whether e.g. kindergartens, schools, pensioners or another specific interest group will be our guests in the Franzensburg. We ask for your understanding that, for safety reasons, a visit to the Franzensburg can only be undertaken as part of an organised tour at the times specified below.

Guided tours

Individual charge – Guided tour of the Franzensburg

Franzensburg tour: April to NovemberPrice
Child/Pupils from 3 years on, with student ID up to 18 years7,00
Family ticket (2 adults + up to 3 children/students)28,00

Guided tours for Individuals take place every day at 11:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 15:00. Please take note that the max. number of persons is 30!

Individual charge – Tour on the High Tower and Above the Roofs of the Franzensburg

High Tower and Above the Roofs tour: April to NovemberPreis
Child/Pupils from 3 years on, with student ID up to 18 years7,00
Family ticket (2 adults + up to 3 children/students)28,00

The guided tours for High Tower and Roofs for individuals take place every day at 1 pm and 4 pm. Please take note that the max. number of persons is 20!

Tickets for individuals can be purchased from our museum shop on the Franzensburg or at our onlineshop.

Guided tours for groups

Group packages are available for groups of 20 or more on guided tours of the museum or up the High Tower and across the roofs, bookable during the season with the start for the first tou at 10:30 am and every hour with the last possible start at 3:30 pm. Please schedule for your stay at least 2 hours for all group packages (bus – Franzensburg – bus). We will be happy to arrange individual packages for your group trip. When booking, please also ask about the diverse range of gastronomic offers in the village.

Group rates (from 20 persons) – “Walk”

“Walk” group ratePrice
Adults (park admission, 2 x ferry, guided tour of the Franzensburg)14,50
Children up to 14 years of age, with ID up to 18 (park admission, 2 x ferry, guided tour of the Franzensburg)8,50

 Group rates (from 20 persons) – “Scenic train”

Group rate for “scenic train”Price
Adults (park admission, 2 x scenic train, 2 x ferry, guided tour of the Franzensburg)18,50
Children up to 14 years of age, with ID up to 18 (park admission, 2 x scenic train, 2 x ferry, guided tour of the Franzensburg)11,50

The Franzensburg was built in the midst of the romantic pond landscape of Laxenburg castle gardens. Please note that, for this reason, it takes about 1/2 hour to walk or to ride on the scenic train to the Franzensburg.

For groups, please register in advance at our office:
Telephone: +43 (0)2236/71226
Fax: +43 (0)2236/72730

Prices valid from 1.1.2025!