Regolamento per i visitatori
In the interest of a fair coexistence and your personal safety we hereby issue the following visitor regulations for Laxenburg castle gardens. We kindly ask for your strict compliance. Thank you for your support!
Laxenburg castle gardens are a historic park area, which is legally under preservation order and is also part of the European project called “Natura 2000”. Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH is entitled to dispose of the entire area of Laxenburg castle gardens. The management of the company is authorised to exercise the house rules as well as to draft the visitor regulations.
Opening Times
Laxenburg castle gardens are open throughout the year and an admission fee is charged.
For safety reasons the park area is completely surrounded by a fence and the access for visitors is only permitted within the general opening times or for any special events.
The general opening times depend on the hours of sunshine and vary according to the season.
The general opening times can be found at all ticket offices or on the homepage Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right at all times to restrict the opening times because of particularly dangerous weather conditions or in the case of events in the park area. Such changes will be announced accordingly. Due to special weather conditions the park area can be closed at any time and with immediate effect on behalf of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH.
Entrance and admission fee
(1) The valid tariffs for the park entrance, the charge for bringing in dogs and the authorisation to drive into Laxenburg castle gardens can all be viewed on a notice displayed at the main park entrance (park ticket office) or on the homepage
(2) When the park area is additionally closed, purchased day tickets will not be refunded. Likewise, there will be no proportional refund of the annual ticket price where temporal and/or spatial restrictions to the right of access is ordered.
General rules of conduct
(1) The instructions of the park authority staff – especially in the sense of these visitor regulations – are always binding. Information and prohibition signs must be followed at all times. They may also supplement the provisions of the present visitor regulations and are equally binding.
(2) The stay in Laxenburg castle gardens is with regards to natural conditions (forest floor, nature paths, lawns etc.) at your own risk. Accompanying adults are liable for the behaviour of children up to the age of criminal responsibility. For children up to the age of fourteen the access to the park area is only permitted when accompanied by an adult and there can be an age control at the entrance to the park area.
Persons in charge supervising minors (§ 4 of the Administrative Penal Act, Federal Law Gazette No. 52/1991) must ensure that they follow the requirements and prohibitions of these visitor regulations as well as all general rules of conduct, legal regulations and instructions of the park authority staff.
Persons supervising minors (4 of the Administrative Penal Act, Federal Law Gazette No. 52/1991) must ensure that these abide by the requirements and prohibitions of these visitor regulations.
(3) Please use Laxenburg castle gardens in such a way that other visitors are not put in danger or harassed and that facilities, structures and buildings (such as tables, benches, chairs, play equipment, monuments, fences) are not soiled, smeared, sprayed, glued or otherwise damaged or polluted.
(4) In Laxenburg castle gardens it is prohibited without exception:
- to dispose of all types of waste outside of the designated containers,
- to throw away burning cigarettes or other burning tobacco products or to ignite an open fire or light,
- to use fences or other facilities, which are not explicitly designated playgrounds, for exercises or climbing,
- to climb onto structures, monuments or other fixtures or to pollute them,
- to make unreasonable noise or to play all kinds of ball sports, if it is not done in specifically designated areas,
- to smoke on a children’s playground or to enter them with a dog,
- to fish or bathe in the waters, as well as to enter the waters, this also applies to dogs,
- to use water vehicles of any kind including rubber dinghies or similar vehicles,
- to operate drones or other flying machines,
- to camp,
- to ice skate or to enter ice surfaces on water, as well as to go skiing or cross-country skiing,
- to feed, touch, chase or otherwise harass free-range game,
- to exert chemical, mechanical or other effects on plantations of any kind (flowers, trees, shrubs, etc.), nor to plant or harvest anything.
Without the prior written consent of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH it is also prohibited:
- to set up or maintain fireplaces (i.e., for grilling or cooking purposes) or to use grilling or cooking devices,
- to make music or to use sound reproduction devices,
- to carry out trade, advertising, collections or any other kind of special uses,
- to photograph or film for commercial purposes.
(5) In addition, the access to the entire park area can be prohibited for individual persons by the park authority staff for good cause or individual persons can be expelled from the park area for good cause.
A good cause lies in a contrary behaviour or conditions of the visitor to (i) legal regulations or (ii) these visitor regulations or the published general terms and conditions or (iii) individual instructions of the park authority staff. This means any violation of signs in the park area or of generally accepted norms of behaviour or of legal regulations (i.e., influence of alcohol or drugs, carrying weapons or other dangerous objects, committing a crime in the park area, other inappropriate behaviour towards other visitors or facilities, endangerment of wildlife, etc.).
Using paths or other designated park areas
(1) It is prohibited without exception to leave the marked paths, recreational meadows and play areas within Laxenburg castle gardens.
(2) In Laxenburg castle gardens it is strictly prohibited to enter meadow and wooded areas, nor drive on or in them, nor to park vehicles or similar means of transport there. Explicitly marked green and planted areas (i.e., play areas or recreational meadows) are excluded from the prohibition of access.
(3) The use of such marked areas with wheelchairs, electronic mobility aids up to a maximum speed of 6 km/h, children’s toys similar to vehicles by children up to 6 years old and with prams is permitted.
(4) During storms it is dangerous to stand under trees and is therefore prohibited. Using the park in bad weather is at your own risk. Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right to immediately close the entire park area or certain parts of it when there are particularly dangerous weather conditions.
(5) In case of snow and ice only the cleared and prepared paths of Laxenburg castle gardens are to be used. The use of paths which have not been cleared and prepared is without exception at your own risk and in this regard, it should be paid attention to appropriate signs. Furthermore, it is up to Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH to completely or temporarily close the paths. (6) Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH does not grant the right to use at all times the equipment and facilities in the park. Furthermore, Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH situationally reserves the right to close the access to certain paths, areas or facilities or to prohibit the access through signs, if they are temporarily not safe to use due to safety reasons (repair and/or maintenance work, weather-related, storm damages, etc.). The closing of paths or park areas does not entitle the visitor to a reduction of the admission fee.
Using sports equipment
(1) For general safety reasons cycling is prohibited in Laxenburg castle gardens. This excludes children up to 6 years old provided that children’s bicycles are used, which either have an outer rim diameter not exceeding 300 mm and a maximum speed of 5 km/h or are equipped with lateral stabilizers.
(2) Furthermore, it is prohibited to bring bicycles into Laxenburg castle gardens. The parking of bicycles is provided in the marked areas at all entrances (close to the ticket offices).
(3) Under the supervision of an adult accompanying person, children and young people up to the age of 14 are permitted to undertake all currently known types of trend sports (skateboards, scooters, etc.). However, the use of electrically powered vehicles, such as e-scooters in particular, is prohibited without exception for safety reasons.
(4) Skiing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, swimming and the use of water sports equipment (except for boat hires) is not permitted. Attaching sports equipment to trees and climbing trees is also prohibited without exception.
(5) The permitted activities shall be carried out in such a way that no other persons are endangered, nor property is damaged. The liability of supervisors for children applies particularly to the exercise of sports within Laxenburg castle gardens.
(6) Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH expressly points out that ice skating and entering ice surfaces at the castle pond are prohibited without exception and that any infringement is unlawful. Nor is any information regarding the ice quality provided by Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH. Any liability claims against Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH are therefore entirely excluded.
(7) Toddler playgrounds may only be used by children up to the age of 6 and their accompanying persons. Other play equipment is exclusively intended for children up to the age of 14. The use of play equipment within Laxenburg castle gardens is only permitted under the supervision of adult accompanying persons.
The use is always at your own risk, unless there is a malfunction of the play equipment, which would be within the responsibility of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH. Any damage to the playground equipment – irrespective of causation – must be reported immediately to Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH.
(8) Ball games, except those involving small children, are only permitted on the areas intended and marked for this purpose.
(9) Running, inline skating and Nordic walking in Laxenburg castle gardens are generally permitted, but consideration must be shown for other park visitors at all times. For safety reasons, inline skating for adults is prohibited at weekends and on public holidays.
(10) The exercise of any sports activities within Laxenburg castle gardens is at your own risk. In particular, it is pointed out that the entire area is a nature reserve and with natural paths, which require an increased attention of each individual visitor and are neither suitable nor designed for sports activities. Natural conditions can be neither influenced nor assured by Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH and therefore any liability for natural trip hazards on natural paths within Laxenburg castle gardens is expressly excluded, as far as legally admissible.
Horse riding
(1) The permission to ride within Laxenburg castle gardens can be issued on request by Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH separately in writing and must be obtained without exception in advance. Furthermore, the agreement with the respective tenant of the riding paths in the Laxenburg castle gardens must be established.
(2) Horse riding is only permitted on designated riding paths and in areas that are marked as such. In all other areas all activities with horses are prohibited without exception.
(3) People always take priority over horses in Laxenburg castle gardens. Horse riders must pay special attention to the safety of visitors to the gardens and particular attention should be paid to children and infirm persons. In addition, on unclear riding paths the horses must be made without exception to go at a walk.
Visiting the castle gardens with your dog
(1) There is a charge for visiting the Laxenburg castle gardens with your dog.
(2) In Laxenburg castle gardens the Lower Austrian Dog Keeping Act LGBL. 4001 applies in its current version.
(3) Furthermore, dogs must be kept without exception on a leash within the entire park area.
(4) Dogs according to § 2 and § 3 of the Lower Austrian Dog Keeping Act must also permanently be secured with a muzzle, whereby the statutory list of the Lower Austrian Dog Keeping Act is extended for the entire area of Laxenburg castle gardens to the following binding and unified list of potentially dangerous dog breeds (“list dogs”, “fighting dogs”). In the sense of a comprehensive risk prevention this also includes crossbreeds of the named dog breeds among each other or with other dog breeds:
- Bull Terrier
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Pit Bull
- Rottweiler
- Napolitan Mastiff
- Fila Brasileiro
- Bull Mastiff
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Dogo Argentino (Argentinian Mastiff)
- Bandog
- Tosa Inu
- Mastin Espanol
- Mastiff
- Pit Bull Terrier
- American Bully
(5) If dogs are brought to Laxenburg castle gardens, they must be kept away from green and planted areas as well as from lakes and rivers. Those in charge of dogs must ensure that the animals do not soil Laxenburg castle gardens with faeces or to remove them in any case.
(6) Laxenburg castle gardens are a hunting area. According to the provisions of the Austrian Hunting Act, dogs running free are in danger of being shot.
(7) In addition, the “Information leaflet – Your dog in Laxenburg castle gardens” of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH is declared an integrated component of these visitor regulations and is in this respect referred to. Furthermore, all signs in the park area regarding dog-keeping in accordance with the regulations of Laxenburg castle gardens are equally binding.
Arrival by car and access to the park area
(1) Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH offers around 1,000 free parking spaces at the main park entrance (P1), at the park entrance Gate 2 (P2) and at the park entrance Gate 3 (P3).
(2) The parking of vehicles on these areas is at your own risk. Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH assumes no liability for any damage, burglary or theft.
(3) Parking is permitted for a maximum of 24 hours. The parking of trucks, truck trailers and camping is prohibited without exception in all parking areas.
(4) In case of violation of these parking regulations, Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right to have the illegally parked vehicles towed away at the owner’s expense or to file an action of trespass.
(5) Throughout the park it is prohibited to drive on the paths with motor vehicles or to park there. With the consent of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH the following exceptions of the general driving ban in Laxenburg castle gardens may be agreed on:
- Access to businesses, apartments and commercial premises within the area as well as for events and film recordings, whereby a corresponding parking of vehicles can also be approved – the consent is exclusively given in writing and is not transferable,
- emergency vehicles,
- vehicles operating on behalf of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, such as in particular for the maintenance of the park and the facilities within the park area,
- electronic walking aids with a maximum speed of 10 km/h also without the consent of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, provided that the permitted maximum speed of 6 km/h is not exceeded within the park area.
(6) The entrance and exit to Laxenburg castle gardens are subject to charges (excluding rental and lease agreements) and are at the expense as well as risk of the respective driver. In case of improper parking of vehicles within the park area, Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right to remove (tow) them at the expense of the driver or vehicle owner. Within the area of the castle gardens a maximum speed of 10 km/h applies to motor vehicles. Walking pace must be kept in the vicinity of persons and/or animals and for safety reasons the vehicle must be stopped, if necessary – until the persons or animals have moved away.
(7) The bridges located in Laxenburg castle gardens correspond to the Austrian standard B 4002 – bridge class II. Accordingly, the maximum limits (max. 30 T) must be considered when crossing them.
(8) It is prohibited without exception to drive or park vehicles on the marked recreational meadows and green areas of Laxenburg castle gardens. The ban does not apply to vehicles for the purpose of maintenance.
(9) Furthermore, both within the parking spaces as well as in the entire park area the provisions of the Austrian Road Traffic Regulations apply.
Data protection
(1) In the entire area of Laxenburg castle gardens photo and film recordings (including sound) are continuously carried out for advertising purposes. By entering Laxenburg castle gardens each person or the legal representative takes note of this fact as well as of a possible use and publication of these recordings and waives any possible legal claims against Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH.
(2) The controller of data processing is Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, Johannesplatz 2/4/1, A-2361 Laxenburg.
(3) Photos and recordings taken within the park area can be published on the homepage or the various social media channels of the controller and possibly also in radio, TV and print media, as well as books. (4) Details and further information can be found in the comprehensive general data protection declaration of the controller on › data protection.
Final provisions
(1) The rules and prohibitions of these visitor regulations do not apply to acts or omissions that are already regulated or prohibited by a national or federal state law (i.e., Forestry Law regarding recreational meadows in wooded areas).
(2) Furthermore, all legislative matters apply which must be used in Laxenburg castle gardens. These are in particular the Heritage Protection Law, the Nature Conservation Act, the Lower Austrian Hunting Law, the Lower Austrian Law on Fisheries, the Forestry Law as well as the Water Act.
(3) Unless otherwise stipulated in the present visitor regulations, the general terms and conditions of Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH apply to all questions related to the contractual relationship between visitors and Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH.
(4) Entering Laxenburg castle gardens is considered as full knowledge and acceptance of these visitor regulations by every person entering or by their legal representatives.
(5) In case of infringement of these visitor regulations Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right to take legal action as well as the removal from the premises and a possible declaration of a prohibition of entry.
(6) The place of jurisdiction is the court factually and locally competent for Schloss Laxenburg Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, Austrian law applies.
(7) These visitor regulations apply with effect from 5 October 2022.
Schloss Laxenburg Betriebs GmbH